Monday, 9 September 2013

Swerving 'Root' detection on Android...

Last week I was having problems with an Android application that had root detection built in. I don't do a great deal with Android so it's not something I have had to look at before. A user at work had 'rooted' their device to tweak it a little and disable a load of 'bloatware' which was apparently causing performance issues.

Once they had rooted it one of their key applications stopped working as it appeared to be doing some 'root' detection, having looked at iOS jailbreak detection and defeated that for some apps I decided to have a crack and see if something similar could be done. I have played around with Android Debugging Bridge (adb) before so already had the Android SDK installed.

First up was grabbing a copy of the .apk from the device, this was pretty easy as I could list the apps via adb shell and then use adb pull to copy the .apk across to my laptop. Simples.

$ adb shell
shell@mako:/ $ pm list packages -f | grep <name of application>
$ adb pull <path to .apk>

Once I had a copy of the .apk I just needed to decompile it to work out what was going on. A quick google and I found 'apktool'. I installed it and then ran against the .apk which generated a load of directories and crucially some smali code. Smali is an assembler/disassembler for the dex format used by davlik (Android), more info on it here

To disassemble the application it was pretty easy, no decrypting 'FairPlay' like you see on iOS:

$ apktool d <path to .apk>

A quick grep of the .smali files for the keyword 'rooted' and I was able to find all the files that might be related to the root detection, this was a bit of guess work but I got lucky! I was soon able to find a couple of methods called 'isRootedDevice' and 'isRooted' in a couple of the smali files. Had the developers called the method something else it might not have been quite so easy. 

$grep -ri rooted

This looked promising so I opened each smali file and searched for 'isRooted'. 

From examining the code I worked out that the developers were looking for the file /system/app/Superuser.apk and also something called 'test-keys'.

I googled what Superuser.apk is and found a few posts on StackOverflow and the following blog:

It seems Superuser.apk is used to manage what applications have su (root) access. It would make sense for the developer to check for this as I guess it is used on most rooted devices (a bit like cydia). If I could change the .apk file that the app was looking for I might be able to defeat this step. The other item that is being checked is 'Test-Keys', apparently this is a generic key for signing packages.

I modified the smali code so that the application would only report it was rooted if it found a random apk or string. As these would never be found the device would not report that it was rooted.

Next I used the apktool to recompile the binary:

$ apktool b <directory with source smali in>

Now I had a package, I could install it onto my device using adb. I tried to install but got the error 'Failure [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES]':

It seems I need to sign the package before Android will let me install it. A bit of 'Google Power' and I found that you need to sign the package with javasigner. First of all I would need a certificate so I created a key store and cert with key tool  and then signed as below:

keytool -genkey -v -keystore testing.keystore -alias testing -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

$ jarsigner -verbose -keystore testing.keystore -digestalg SHA1 -sigalg MD5withRSA <path to apk> testing

Once this was done I installed on a rooted device and bingo... no prompt to say the device was rooted!

I was surprised how easy this was, I had expected it to be a little more challenging. It's quite easy to see how simple it would be to modify a binary add a trojan or some malware and then distribute.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Dangerfield Bogotas...

Over the last few months I have been trying my hand at lock picking, it's a life skill that one day I'm sure will either get me out of trouble or land me in it. Either way when the barrel rolls and you have got non destructive keyless entry it's a buzz!

I started off with a 22pc Southord set from @ukbumpkeys and some Brockhage practice locks. One of the locks is a 5 pin standard lock and the other is also 5 pin but has some spool pins. On pretty much the first attempt I managed to pick the non spool pined lock, alas this seems to have been a fluke! I haven't been able to do it again, until now.


I purchased a couple of sets of 'Dangerfield Bogotas' from @ukbumpkeys. They have had them specially made and they are awesome. They are really tiny and fit perfectly in your wallet. The finish on them is excellent, they seem to be made of some well polished steel which allows them to roll into and out of the lock and over the pins really easily, great for raking. Another neat feature is the slight twist that they have in them, I find this helps to get them into a lock a lot easier than a normal pick.

So far I have been able to rake my two practice locks easily, one of which has spool pins and have never been able to get into until now (see red spool pins in picture below).

I'm no expert but I have been able to pick the 'real' lock below pretty easily with the Bogota's. It is a lock that is in use,  a local UPC conservatory and windows company near to me use them!! Within minutes of trying out the Bogotas it went no problem.

Next up is 'Bumping' I have purchased a large set of Bumpkeys from @ukbumpkeys so will be trying to perfect this skill in the coming weeks. I need to get some more practice locks and have a go with them as I think it is all too easy to to destroy your own locks. Not something you want to do to your own backdoor!

Check out for tools and other lock picking gear!